Chloe Wilde – Coordinator of Drama | Coordinator of Young School | Safeguarding Lead
Chloe’s love of performing began at a very young age as she considered all public and private spaces to be the perfect spot to command an audience. Chloe started dancing with the Midlands school of dance at age 5, fuelling her love of performing through shows and examinations.
At age 7 she attended a weekend performing arts school where she expanded her performing arts horizons and began classes in drama and singing as well as dance. Chloe attended this school for 8 years and for the entirety of this time she was taught by Rob in music and for the last 4 of those years she was taught by Ian in dance. Chloe then commenced one to one dance training with Ian in contemporary and ballet, finding particular interest in Merce Cunningham, Jose Limon and Martha Graham and release-based techniques.
When Chloe left secondary school, having attained an A* in Drama at GCSE, prepared vocally by Rob and conditioned physical for dance by Ian, she began full time further education in performing arts and embarked on a BTEC level 3 higher national diploma in performing arts and musical theatre and was offered an unconditional place at audition. Chloe studied singing, drama and dance where techniques included theory about the voice from teachers trained in the Estill model of vocal functions in singing, mask work, context, improvisation and theatre for children in drama and ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary in dance, achieving triple grade (D*DD) Distinction Star, Distinction, Distinction; enabling her to be offered a place at every university she applied to.
Chloe chose to study a degree in Theatre and Drama at the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries of the University of South Wales, where she studied script writing, physical theatre, clowning, mask work, acting for radio and audio books, improvisation and devise work and explored the most influential practitioners in theatre, including Berkoff and his use of physical theatre, Stanislavski and his practice of naturalism, Grotowski’s poor theatre using theatre as a safe space for exploration and Brecht using drama to be the social activist.
In recent years Chloe went on to complete a post graduate Master of Science degree in the Psychology of Education (BPS Accredited) at Bristol University and graduated in February 2020.
Chloe has never lost her love of music, singing and dance and continues to train herself at adult classes and in her own time, even now.

- BTEC level 3 extended Diploma in Performing Arts and Musical Theatre: 2010-2012
- Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA Hons) in Theatre and Drama form the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries [University of South Wales]: 2012-2015
- Master of Science Degree (MSc) in the Psychology of Education from Bristol University: 2018-2019
- Designated Safeguarding Lead Level 3 Training
- Keeping Children Safe Online
- Safer Recruitment in Education
- Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviour
- GDPR Training
- Prevent Training
- Mental Health First Aid
- Adult and Child First Aid
- Emotion Coaching
Chloe has worked with young people in many different capacities for over 10 years and applies theory, technique and professional experience to her teaching methods. With a deep interest in Psychology and Education Chloe is interested in the impact and use of drama and performance as an educational and therapeutic devise, particularly for children and young people.
Chloe has performed on stage at the Bristol Hippodrome with Ellen Kent Opera & Ballet International in ballets and operas.
Chloe has taken on multiple roles on stage including Audrey in Dennis Potters ‘Blue remembered hills’; Abigail in Arthur Millers ‘The Crucible’; Maureen in the musical ‘Honk’; Muzzy in the musical ‘Thoroughly modern Millie’; Princess Marigold in the pantomime of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’; Aladdin in the pantomime of ‘Aladdin’ and Anna in Patrick Marber’s play ‘Closer’.
While studying for her degree, Chloe directed ‘Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?’, wrote a 90-minute film script and co-wrote, co-directed and performed in a short horror audio play, ‘Grave Romance’, broadcast on Dragon Radio.
Chloe continues to dance with an Adult Contemporary Dance Company and regularly performs.