Following the Stage 4 Covid Guidance released on 19th July 2021, we have updated our Covid procedures to include guidance from the ‘Schools Covid-19 Operational Guidance’ updated in August 2021 available at the following link: Schools COVID-19 operational guidance – GOV.UK ( 

theschool Covid Procedures

Updated September 2021

  1. On arrival to theschool we ask that students are dropped outside The Link entrance (with the exception of students in ‘YoungSchool’ who can be brought into the building). 
  2. We politely encourage all adults (over the age of 18) entering the building to wear a face covering as advised by TheLink.  
  3. We ask that no parents or spectators stay in the building during classes.   
  4. Students will be requested to wash or sanitise their hands on arrival to the studio.   
  5. Students will be requested to sanitise their hands before eating and drinking.   
  6. Students will be requested to ensure they have washed their hands after using the toilet facilities.   
  7. Doors will remain open to allow air flow through the studios at all times.  
  8. Door handles and all equipment will be sanitised regularly.   
  9. We will continue to ask students and staff to stay at home, test and NOT attend theschool if they become symptomatic. 
  10. We would politely request that families inform us if their child has tested positive for Covid on a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday regardless of the new guidance that states that people under the age of 18 no longer have to isolate.   

As we are all aware, Covid is still an issue and even with the reduction of restrictions we will continue to encourage measures that reduce the risk to students, staff and users of The Link facilities. If students wish to continue to wear a face covering or practice social distancing, they are welcome to do so.  We will support families and young people who wish to make decisions about mitigating their own risk.  

Key messages from recent guidance

We have updated our Covid procedures based on the ‘Schools Covid-19 Operational Guidance’ updated in August 2021 available at the following link:

Schools COVID-19 operational guidance – GOV.UK ( 

1. Mixing and bubbles  

  • 1A) There is no longer a need for young people to remain bubbled in consistent groups.  
  • 1B) In the event of an outbreak of Covid, settings should consider reintroducing bubbles.  

2. Positive Cases, Isolation and Close Contact Tracing  

  • 2A) Schools are no longer required to carry out contact tracing.  
  • 2B) New guidance suggests that you do not need to isolate if you live in a household with someone who has tested positive for Covid 19 or if you have been a close contact of someone with covid 19 provided that you are: 
  • Fully vaccinated  
  • Below the age of 18 years and 6 months  
  • Medically exempt from having the vaccine.  
  • 2C) Any persons who test positive will be required to isolate regardless of age or vaccination status. 

 3. Face Coverings  

  • 3A) Face coverings are no longer advised for students, staff or visitors.  
  • 3B) The government has removed the requirement to wear face coverings in law but recommends that they are worn in enclosed and crowded spaced.  

 4. Hygiene  

  • 4A) Regular hand washing and use of hand sanitizer continues to be advised.  
  • 4B) Good respiratory hygiene including covering your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing and using the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ principle is advised.  

 5. Individuals who are symptomatic 

  • 5A) Any persons who are symptomatic should continue to follow isolation guidance and stay home.  
  • 5B) Any persons who are symptomatic should ensure they get a PCR test.  


Key Messages from Stage 4 Guidance July 2021. 

  • There will be no more restrictions on how many people can meet in any indoors or outdoor setting.  
  • Settings will not need capacity limits or social distancing measures.  
  • Vaccination status will not be required by law for entry for any visitors to settings.  
  • The legal requirement to wear face coverings is lifted in all settings though face coverings will reduce risk of transmission.
  • Social distancing restrictions are now lifted though social distancing will continue to reduce risk. 
  • Settings will remind staff and any visitors not to attend their setting if they are unwell. 
  • Continue to supply fresh air and ventilation in indoor spaces. 
  • The government’s intention is that in stage 4, children will not be required to remain in bubbles and schools will not be required to routinely carry out contact tracing.

Changes to our procedures

You may notice that we have removed some of our previously active Covid Procedures such as: 

  • The one-way system as there is now no longer a need to keep students bubbled (point 1A).  
  • Students of every age (including those who are older than 12) will no longer be required to wear a face covering. Students will also no longer be placed in set positions within the dance studio. This is because there is no longer a need to bubble students or for children under the age of 18 years and 6 months to isolate (point 1A, 2B and 3A).  
  • Students are also no longer required to maintain social distancing or wear masks during recreational times. This is because there is no longer a need to bubble students or for children under the age of 18 years and 6 months to isolate (point 1A, 2B and 3A)  
  • We will no longer carry out temperature checks on all staff and students who enter the school building. This is because there is no longer a need for children under the age of 18 years and 6 months to isolate (point 2B).  
  • Previously we asked parents and carers to inform us if their child tested positive for Covid on a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday after having attended theschool in order for us to carry out our Track and Trace duty. You will notice that this request has changed slightly as we still politely request that families inform us if their child has tested positive for Covid, regardless of the new isolation guidance. This is to ensure that we can help to manage risk for any vulnerable members of our community and the wider users of the facilities at The Link though this is not a requirement.